Nelson mandela | An Icon for the 21th Century
Nelson Mandela
On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, on July 18, the Beekman Foundation launched a silk-screen print of the iconic portrait which the Belgian-American artist Jan Beekman painted of the South-African leader, and which prominently hangs at the New York headquarters of the United Nations. The print will be one of the highlights of Global Warning, a one-man show of the Connecticut based artist in his former studio in Beauvoorde, near the city of Veurne, Belgium. The exhibition, which will also show for the first time ever some works of his most recent series on living in the Trump era, will be the first of Beekman in Belgium since he exhibited at the Veranneman Foundation fifteen years ago. It will be the highlight of the program with which the South-African embassy in Belgium will celebrate the Mandela centenary.